hades best hammer upgrades for shield

For those intrepid adventurers who are trekking out of the Underworld armed with Aegis, here are some ideas for putting together the perfect Shield of Chaos build in this beloved indie roguelike. Once the Aspect of Chaos starts throwing out 4-5 shields with every special, if you combine it with Dionysus or Ares, it can quicky clear rooms and rapidly melt bosses. Take, for example, the Varatha spear. Take the Conch Shell Keepsake to Tartarus with your shield. But any of the six weapons can grow to become astonishingly powerful with the right combination of upgrades. The hammers for the shield was actually the very first topic I 'covered' in a Chthonic Conversation, back before I had developed my current system. Winged Serpent is an Aspect of Guan Yu exclusive upgrade that will provide players with the ability to allow the Frost Fair Blade Spin Attack to travel 80% longer. Cursed Slash is going to heavily depend on a players play style as it can be overwhelming risky for those who do not have Deflect or some means of ensuring that they have stability. Quite frankly, this upgrade is phenomenal if players are lucky and are powering up their basic-attacks. Im sorry for being lazy. For more information on all the best Boons to use in conjunction with these Infernal Arms, check out our Hades boons guide. Essentially you will want to make sure that you have to use your Power Shot as little as possible due to how much damage youre dealing with it. The bonus shields from Chaos aspect are not affected by Dashing Flight. Essentially with Super Nova, players will gain a 20% wider area of damage when using their Special also increasing their Specials damage by 20%. Players will have to ensure that they are close enough to an enemy so that the V spread pattern of the players Special doesnt miss the target and multiple shots can be landed on the enemy. Explosive Return can be a good upgrade if players are in certain situations. A one-stop shop for all things video games. This build depends mostly on the effect of Hangover, the God of Wine's signature power, which stuns and slows enemies, so take Boons with Hangover as opposed to his less effective Festive Fog. The Rocket Bomb was an upgrade I initially really liked, though Ill admit the novelty really wore off on me. Flaring Spin is undeniably a good upgrade to have as it will ensure that a player is Sturdy while charging up their Spin Attack, essentially meaning that a player cannot be interrupted from their Spin Attack and will also have some extra Defense. Aside from that, we also recommend Minotaur Rush and Breaching Rush for buffing the Rush attack even more. through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Rolling Knuckle will make it so your Dash-Strike deals 60% more damage and will also be added to your Attack sequence. Players will want avoid this upgrade if they already have ways of dealing with an enemys Armour. If you use Bull Rush to activate the Chaos aspect bonus, all shields thrown will only bounce once. It should be noted that players will not be able to activate Shadow Slash with their Dash-Strike and that the damage dealt from Shadow Slash is actually additive. With Flurry Jab, players will no longer need to button mash their attack and instead can hold down their attack in order to rapidly strike. Hoarding Slash will provide players with a 5% damage buff based on a players current Charons Obol, meaning that if a player is hoarding onto 1,000 Charons Obol by the end game, they will be dealing 50% extra damage, which is fairly typical for me. I have personally only used it a handful of times, because I prefer to stay mobile and the hammer doesn't affect Dash-Strikes or Bull Rush, but on the other hand, if you dedicate your build to it, the hammer can really shine. Your email address will not be published. This greatly reduces the use of Charged Volley as realistically these are the two Aspects that would greatly increase the amount of damage of the players Special. Don't underestimate Armored enemies. You can turn either your regular attack or your special into a Dash-Strike which deals bonus damage. Admittedly, Flurry Fire is not going to be the absolute best upgrade, though if players are good at reloading or weaving in their Special, this tends to be one of the most powerful upgrades. Chain Shot isnt severely over powered as players will only be able to bounce an arrow off of 3 enemies, meaning that players will not be able to utilize it in settings where they are truly being overwhelmed by enemies. Breaching Gross, to me isnt essential, especially because there are a number of Boons you can get that will pierce through Armour. In my opinion, this is a great upgrade to have if a player is simply trying to get used to their Spin Attack, but its not massively necessary. Dash-strike is your bread and butter. While not the best tactic, if players are struggling with dodging enemies, they can use the Piercing Wave to deal damage from afar. Players should note that if they have chosen Flurry Slash or Cruel Thrust with another Daedalus Hammer, this upgrade will not be available to them. With Chain Skewer, essentially players will be able to damage up to 7 foes for each of the uses players use on their Special. Players should note that they will not be able to use the Flurry Shot if they already have Perfect Shot, Explosive Shot or are using the Aspect of Rama. The numerous options available to tweak the various weapons are one feature that keeps players coming back. After you perform a Bull Rush attack, you'll throw multiple shields in your special - one extra shield initially, then more as you upgrade. Realistically this is the best part of the Point-Blank Shot as players will be able to deal a good amount of damage to close enemies (that are actually farther than a player expects) while still being able to access the full amount of range on their Attack. Players can essentially raise their chances of locating Daedalus Hammers by upgrading theirOlympian Favour in the Mirror of Night as this will provide players up to a 20% chance that rewards will be Boons, Daedalus Hammers, Charons Obol or Poms. If you haven't been using this hammer, give it a shot! It's one of several ways to build each of the Infernal Arms when putting together the best Hades shield build. Weapons can be upgraded for the duration of a run with Daedalus Hammers, which appear randomly. Dashing Flight will also provide players with 200% damage using their Special. Freeze them in place, a relief in steaming Asphodel, and shatter them with the power of Ares. Your Bull Rush gains a Power Rush that does +500% damage. Each Infernal Arm has access to four forms, known as Aspects, which you can switch between at the start of each run. Truthfully, this is one of my favourite upgrades to get, because its just helpful for dealing damage. Like a lot of hammers here, it's an okay pick, but there are definitely better hammers. Now, dont let me dissuade you on using this upgrade, as if I was to ignore my playstyle it would be one of the better upgrades, though take note that players will not be able to use Vicious Skewer if they are using the Exploding Launcher upgrade or the Aspect of Guan Yu. Players will still be able to activate Piercing Wave while using their Dash-Strike, being one of the best ways to activate Piercing Wave. Choose carefully, as some Upgrades are incompatible with certain Boons and Aspects. Your Holy Excalibur aura is +45% larger; makes foes +10% slower (Aspect of Arthur). Seeking Fire is similar to a Artemis Boon, providing players with the ability to deal 10% more damage to enemies and also making all attacks home to the nearest foe. Ricochet Fire is a hit and miss kind of upgrade for me as it provides players with more capability to deal AoE damage, however does not actually provide players with that much more damage. I like that there aren't hammers I'm trying to avoid, but besides that it's more of the same. For players who have chosen the Aspect of Arthur passive for their Stygian Sword, they will have an exclusive upgrade that upgrades their Holy Excalibur aura. I wouldnt deter you away from this upgrade, its just not for me personally. I would avoid the hammer that allows your shield to bounce because it actually delays your ability to Bull Rush, since you have to wait longer for the shield to return to you. More information on how the hammer alters the weapons can be found on their respective pages. Reaching the highest level in all Aspects requires 51 Titan Blood. With Explosive Fire players will deal damage in an area instead of a single target and will briefly slow enemies. Although up to two Hammers will always be offered, it is not guaranteed they will be offered again, should Zagreus choose to not take it. Players will not be able to obtain Cruel Thrust if they have the Weapon upgrade Aspect of Arthur, which makes sense as the Aspect of Arthur Stygian Blade already deals an obscene amount of damage with its Thrust. Realistically this is going to be a niche kind of upgrade for players. Your Dash-Strike pierces foes and deals +900% damage to Armor. There are six weapons in total, but you only start with one - Stygius, the sword. Bonus not applied if you first use Special and then Dash. With Charged Volley players will be able to hold their Special in order to deal 250% base damage, though players should note that the Charged Volley comes with a smaller range. Sudden Rush is a must for dealing with the slower Bull Rush charge time, since it makes it charge faster. Passion Flare, which combines damage with Weak, is only unlocked after Zagreus discovers the Aspect of Beowulf. Concentrated Volley when used correctly can significantly empower their Special in order to use it as their primary source of damage. With Colossus Knuckle players will gain Sturdy any time they Attack or use their Special. Best Hades Shield Aspects broken down & reviewed! In addition, your Special throws an irretrievable, piercing firework in a straight line. Luckily for players, this damage will be 100% of the normal attack, meaning that players will still be dealing a good amount of damage, however, for me I tend to get Boons that provide this skill. Your Spin Attack becomes Punishing Sweep. When it's time to slay, let Ares lead the way. Instead of throwing it as usual, it loads into the shield, turns the Bull Rush into a Dragon Rush, and explodes on impact. It can be good with a Poseidon Boon that has Knockback, but realistically Im not very impressed. Dread Flight can be useful if players are stacking damage on their Special, though realistically the best use for it is if players have a Status Curse on their Special such as Hangover or Doom as using your Special primarily for damage isnt really a great option for the Shield of Chaos. In Hades, the purpose of Titan Blood is to upgrade weapon abilities called Aspects. Related: Mistakes To Avoid While Playing Hades. Essentially while players are using their Dash, players will retrieve their Special faster, making it easier to quickly deal damage with. Draining Cutter is quite frankly one of the hardest upgrades players can get using the Daedalus Hammer. Add the Aspect of Choas to enable Zagreus to throw multiple shields and combine this with Ares-related abilities like Doom to amp up the damage when he throws multiple shields. Players will also not be able to use this if they have the Aspect of Lucifer. Increased Cast Damage (+10/20/30/40/50%), You have Holy Excalibur, and +50 Max Health. So, shield hammers! Charged Shot was a skill that I originally liked a lot, but ended up not using very often as it essentially removes the Bull Rush from a player. Your Special becomes an advancing kick that also deals 40 damage twice. Flying Cutter essentially adds time to the players Special but if charged correctly will raise a players Special damage by 100%. Charged Shot: This. Certain Upgrades are more useful for the best Hades shield builds than others. While it does not completely matter what passives a player receives from the Daedalus Hammer, as any passive is going to raise the utility of the Weapon a player yields, there are going to be some passives that a player focusses on, especially if they struggle with particular Weapons. It is best used to apply a curse or to deal supplemental ranged damage. Luckily for players, the range of the Point-Blank Shots damage increase is fairly large, affecting enemies that are within 330 units away from the player. More: Hades: Greek Gods Not Included In The Game. It should be noted that Quick Spin cannot be used with Flurry Jab. A Daedalus Hammer is an Artifact that improves your weapon by upgrading its attacks. A good upgrade, although I typically dont use it. Triple Bomb lets you use your Special three times in rapid succession, and Targeting System slows down foes targeted by your Special, plus deals additional damage. Although not automatic, being able to manually shoot your Special this many times is extremely powerful, especially if players are using their Special to boost their damage using Aspects. This upgrade is a great additional way to deal damage, though its definitely a secondary upgrade versus a primary. Knockback boons work a treat with this build, since they let you group enemies at a distance while you charge the Bull Rush. How to unlock and upgrade the best weapons in Hades. Piercing Wave is one of my favourite upgrades to get on the Stygian Blade simply because it provides players with a good amount of range. Keep . It makes the special feel better to use, as your shield moves far faster when you're dashing. Your Attack deals +200% damage when striking foes from behind. It should be noted that players will not be able to combine this with Flying Cutter or Kinetic Launcher. Realistically, I dont care about this upgrade, I think its pretty trash and I would recommend against it. Admittedly, there are some Aspects players will absolutely want to to put the Massive Spin on and I also have to admit that I need to get better at using my Spin Attack, because Im just a lazy bastard. Essentially, Breaching Skewer will make it so a player rotates between attacking armoured enemies while trying to take down those whos Armour has already shattered. You cannot be stunned while using your Attack or Special. Admittedly, the damage radius is fairly significant, sitting at 350 units, its already hard to charge up the Heart-Seeking Bow, at least for me, so I recommend avoiding it. The issue with Explosive Return is that players will not always be surrounded by enemies, though this isnt the biggest problem as a players Special can be used fairly frequently. Players should be pleased to note that this damage is multiplicative, unlike many other upgrades and they will also receive a damage radius of 145% damage. This is mostly advice for fellow newbies, just some speculation on recent runs I've done, I'm in no way saying this is the best and most efficient time saving advice, just sharing some experiences I had so far. Flash Fire is the next upgrade for the Aspect of Lucifer and will provide players with the ability to fire 50% faster with 15% range. Flurry Jab is realistically the upgrade I used to choose always, but I realized that its not actually that useful as I kept using it. Also, if you dash before the Special detonates, the AoE effect will follow you, giving you what is in essence a super-charged dash-strike. If you have no better options, go for it honestly. Once he became king of the Olympians, he truly had nothing left to fear. All rights reserved. The Heart-Seeking bow's Aspects aren't the greatest, but the Aspect of Chiron is a solid way to build the bow's special attack, Volley Fire. Super Nova is an upgrade I typically avoid, as Im not someone who relies on the Stygian Blades Special. While this can be useful for players to catch up to quick enemies and will provide them with some extra durability when they use it, the reality is that there are plenty of times that the Dash Nova can put a player into danger (ie. #WatchMeDie. Your Attack deals +1 damage for each uninterrupted hit to a foe. Explosive Return deals AoE damage when you catch the shields, and if you're lucky enough to get a third upgrade, Charged Flight deals even more damage, though it adds a charge meter to the attack. It should be noted that players will not be able to use Concentrated Beam with Eternal Chamber. So let's now go over each of the six Infernal Arms in Hades, with a description of their moveset and tips for success, along with a full list of each weapon's Aspects and Daedalus upgrades. Now let's talk about my thoughts on the best weapons in Hades. With this upgrade active, Zagreus will become Sturdy for 3. I'm not sure how dashing flight works with the aspect of chaos but it could potentially be good. Is Charged Shot as good as I think it is? However, I find that it is overshadowed by some of the other hammers, though this is generally a safe pick. Pulverizing Blow and Dashing Wallop don't affect Bull Rush, while the rest of the hammers do, so we'll start with those two. Having tried them all multiple times, Id recommend Dionysus. Your Attack pierces foes and deals +50% damage to Armor. The shield seems to be the best weapon in terms of a guaranteed run win. It should be noted that some upgrades will not be available to a player if they are using certain Aspects on the Eternal Spear: The Extending Jab is a perfect upgrade in my opinion as it provides players with more range and higher damage while using the Eternal Spear. Becomes an advancing kick that also deals 40 damage twice to the players Special but if charged will. Isnt essential, especially because there are definitely better hammers turn either regular... Versus a primary our site, we may earn an affiliate commission for. Moves far faster when you & # x27 ; t underestimate Armored enemies of hammers,! Novelty really wore off on me +200 % damage to Armor like a of. And will also provide players with 200 % damage added to your Attack or your Special throws an,! 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