bartow high school football state championship

After a slow first quarter, the Naughts pull out a 37-6 victory over the Yellow Jackets. And cheer just made it seem like natural to be a leader and it helped me grow so much.. Parsons got hit in the stomach by a line drive and battled on. Get hyperlocal forecasts, radar and weather alerts. // Math.floor(endTime))) ){ endInterval = setInterval(function(){ if(Math.floor(endTime) <= Math.floor(player.currentTime)){ dontLogPause = true; player.pause(); clearInterval(endInterval); stopQuartileTracking_0_2(); if(!endedOnce) cvLog_0_2('stop_video_auto', Math.floor(player.currentTime), event); endedOnce = true; playing_0_2 = false; toggleChromelessPlay_0_2(); var showReplay = 1; toggleReplay_0_2(showReplay, "dark", 'add'); } },1000); } }); player.addEventListener('ended',function(event){ stopQuartileTracking_0_2(); if(!endedOnce) cvLog_0_2('stop_video_auto', Math.floor(player.currentTime), event); endedOnce = true; playing_0_2 = false; toggleChromelessPlay_0_2(); }); player.addEventListener('click',function(event){ if(playing_0_2){ player.pause(); } else{ if(Math.floor(player.currentTime) >= Math.floor(endTime)){ dontLogPlay_0_2 = true; cvLog_0_2('replay_video_click', Math.floor(player.currentTime), event); if(!$("#native_video_0_2").length){ launchNativePlayer_0_2("playback"); }else{ if( Math.floor(endTime) < Math.floor(player.duration)){ player.currentTime = 0; }; } }else{; } } }); } var cvInit_0_2 = function() { var autoHidecontrols = 0; var control = true; if(autoHidecontrols == 1) control = false; var startTime = 0; var endTime = 0; var theme = 'dark'; var showReplay = 1; var returnToStart = 0 == 1 ? of titles. 1 Northview (13-0) vs. No. Melissa Parsons pitched from 1997 to 2000, winning the '97 and '00 titles. The Bartow Yellow Jackets recently repeated as state and national champions . He was 122-28 in 12 years at Bartow, leading the Yellow Jackets to 1977 and 1985 state championships. Radio show archives for 2023 are on the 'Broadcasts' page and earlier shows and games are on the BSZ Archive page. Caleb Hough went 5-5 on extra point attempts. Live Football LHS Taylor Placides 43 run (Caleb Hough kick), 9:07 1 team in high school football. true : false ); var showPlayButtonOverlay = 1; var endInterval = 0; if(isiOS || isAndroid)isMobile_0_2 = true; if(isAndroid && autocheck){ var enablePlayerControls = '1';var enableMutingControls = '1';var enableFullscreenControls = '';var autoHideFullscreenControls = '0';var fullscreenIconColor = 'light';var playerControlsPosition = 'Bottom Left';var mutingControlsPosition = 'Top Left';var fullscreenControlsPosition = 'Bottom Right';$("#customplayerwrapper-0-2").empty(); player_0_2 = new OGVPlayer(); document.getElementById("customplayerwrapper-0-2").appendChild(player_0_2); = "ogv_video_0_2"; player_0_2.width = 300; player_0_2.height = 250; player_element_0_2 = player_0_2; player_0_2.src = ''; player_0_2.muted = true; setTimeout(function(){; playing_0_2 = true; /* Set up the loading animation */ player_0_2_loadingImage.src = ""; player_0_2_loadingImage.onload = function() { var natHeight = Math.floor(player_0_2_loadingImage.height); 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