wows california vs florida

California plays like Arizona but she plays less comfortably owing to her worse fire arcs and even more sluggish handling. Looking at the charts, i'm surprised how average Poltava is. The PvE-exclusive player doesn't appreciate a ship's strengths and vulnerabilities through the same lens as a KOTS finalist, for example, nor should they be expected to. Florida had a cumulative rate as much as 84% higher than Californias last fall. A slow American standard-type battleship with horrible gun firing arcs but improved long-range gunnery with her twelve 356mm guns. With that in mind, this review is going to myopically focus on the differences between Arizona and California and why one ship is worth the money and the other is a slap in the face. In battle, targets are moving at different angles and speeds which makes any reasonable evaluation exceedingly difficult unless there is a tremendous change in performance. +1 upboat for the review. The number of murders surged by nearly 30%, from 16,669 in 2019 to 21,570 in 2020, the largest year-over-year increase on record. She's boasting not only tier VIII AA firepower at tier VII but good tier VIII firepower at tier VII. She rewards good aim and positioning - she needs to find I think the real unfortunate detriment here is that it makes California more vulnerable to torpedoes. And I'm a Native CAn. Florida's secondaries are too short ranged to be worth specializing into. They also lack the accuracy buff that makes Massachusetts and Georgia such units. These twin factors are enough to discourage anyone from spending skills or upgrade slots on them, to say nothing of Florida's durability issues (which I will [edited] about at length below).. Excellent AA firepower, equivalent to a tier VIII American battleship. The most dangerous shots come from medium to long range where shells have a bit of drop going for them to strike beneath the waterline and angle towards the citadel. Her rotation rate of 4.1/s is again, pretty average. Despite all that, what I really like about her is that her guns (while not powerful as you'd expect, which is mentioned) are fairly accurate at all but extreme range. I also like her secondaries, as they have decent enough accuracy and reach out to 6.6 with aft+flag. The single 5" guns tend to land their hits a lot vs the dual 5" guns (though that is not be saying much considering. Florida Gov. Thank you for having the integrity to call WG out on their shenanigans. When it comes to my battleships, I know what I like. The only thing to watch out for is if one your DD/CL uses smoke and hide all other ships, MO will target you and you don't want that with Florida's armor. Make it that maybe it's worth making a sneakierBB build to sort of flank an enemy team when in a faster one then surprise them., Unless you remove skill entirely - there will never be no 'optimal build' for a ship, even a type may still have one that is considered overall 'better' than the others - but they can at least make it choosing to run secondary build on German and French BB's is a choice in style more than a handicap. DD's need their stealth back, or they need survivability. But playing a standard-type battleship at tier VII or above needs to come with some pretty juicy perks or I'm not biting. Native Californian) but she is a slow girl relegated to sitting amongst the transports. Were it me at the helm of California's project, if improving her offense was off the table I would have done something here. Ships with stars have been changed or added since patch 0.9.6. Oh no you didn't! You joke but I warned the devs of this exact thing. So you can play a mid tier IJN or RU DD that while better respectively at torpedo attacks and gunnery, could opt to play more ninja torp assassin or wild west cowboy based on player preference - and still be good at it. The following is a review of California, the tier VII American battleship. This ship has been provided to me by Wargaming for evaluation purposes - Once engaged at medium-range, there's really not much this ship can do about it short of trying to fight her way out. Horrible rudder shift time of 15.4 seconds. Florida's fire angles are decent. They're not good -- good is a 300 fire arc or more, but she's not as appalling as some of the ships I've dealt with recently. I just wish her turret traverse was better. So you can largely forget about getting anywhere fast. Deposit $200, Get $250. Now, Republican Florida Gov. Tweak are play and all that way, far more interesting. Queens are 2-3 in their last 5 games. That 35mm anti-torpedo bulge covers a huge section of California's side. Overall, the ships are very comparable in terms of their protection and durability. While California has the slight edge in health, it pays to keep in mind that Arizona has a large hit point pool for a tier VI battleship while California is on the low side of average for tier VII. Absolutely. Once again, here are some dispersion tests. Trouble is, I don't insist on such a ship being American; if I want a ship which does the things Florida does, I have KGV and Lyon. Uses the improved battlecruiser dispersion instead of that of American battleships. California's AP penetration is okay. It goes on and on like this. Yes, yes, yes, this is all in the name of BALANS, tovarish, and Florida's gunnery is balanced. I just don't like it. Florida and California responded to the COVID-19 pandemic in vastly different ways, but comparing outcomes isn't so simple. Build for fire-resistance first, then double back for your other skills. In their past 10 matchups, the Panthers are 6-4-0 to earn 80.0% of the possible points. This exaggerated manoeuvre bleeds speed (to say nothing of changing her heading and possibly navigating away from battle), further slowing her already ponderous pace. Nothing can touch California, though, which sits smack in the middle of the tier VIII American BB range, rubbing elbows with Alabama, North Carolina and everyone's favourite: Massachusetts. They could have just as easily remained a footnote in the war, left behind by fate. What to do? While tier VI carriers have to respect your AA firepower they can still strike you. Unfortunately the state of the CV rework makes AA unrewarding and frankly useless at times no matter how much of it you have. California has more range (19.9km vs 16km) California's AP shells do more damage (10,500 vs 10,300) California has a faster reload (34.2s vs 35s) California's AP For them and cruisers, reduced spotting time after firing is long over due. There's a pretty hard cap on how far skill will take you with this ship. Florida wins this battle hands down. That fact has lingered with me but perhaps I can make her work better than most. The Roma is performing fairly well compared to other tier 8 BB's and she is far from the strongest with some incredibly glaring weaknesses. The last piece of her squishy puzzle is her effective health pool. Florida's hit point pool is small for a tier VII battleship. Heck, it would be on the low end for a tier VI battleship. This isn't enough to damn her in of itself -- she's not so low that she's on Viribus Unitis levels of parody. But a smaller hit point pool means that she heals less penetrating damage with her Repair Party. While this has no impact on fire and flooding damage (as their damage amount scales with the starting hit points of the ship), 10,000 damage worth of penetrations hurts Florida more than other tier VII battleships. But there's more. Florida comes with one fewer charges of her Repair Party, so this deficit is felt even more.. ATHENS Georgia basketball battled back but could not overcome its 12-point second half deficit to Florida. The Rattlers have not entered a game this season with longer moneyline odds COVID-19 Cases and Deaths in California vs Florida in Spring 2021 and Cumulative Through April 2021. She doesn't have a nigh-impervious citadel like Scharnhorst and Gneisenau. Queens are 3-2 in their last 5 games against the spread. If they don't want people comparing her to Arizona, Arizona needs to be pulled. VERDICT: Not as nimble as you might expect. Good enough, I suppose, but definitely not one of her strengths. It could be worse, I suppose. You need speed to reach thatposition in time, but if you do, you can sink MO in two salvos, allowing you to not rely on torps by other ships to take it down. Her horrible gun fire angles necessitate that she swing out and show a lot more broadside in order to bring the weight of fire to bear on targets. I see that champagne wont be a good time for you to review ,but thats okay. UK HE rockets and SAP ones, maybe HE vs AP but more unique could be to bypass bombs for a second smaller TB group since they focused on torp carrying planes that could also carry bombs, and skip bombing would be another option. I want to like the Florida but she may very well be out of my skill range which happens. Take these values with a pinch of salt. This is not accounting for such factors as accuracy, penetration, overmatch, normalization, etc. In terms of raw DPM, yes, Florida lags behind. She's also hurting when it comes to overmatching targets, especially when she's middle or bottom tier. However, her penetration is decent and her accuracy is good, offsetting these factors somewhat but only against select targets. More on this later. Flak Bursts: 5 explosions for 1,400 damage per blast at 3.5km to 5.8km.Long Ranged (up to 5.8km): 137 dps at 75% accuracyMedium Ranged (up to 3.5km): 364 dps at 75% accuracyShort Ranged (up to 2.0km): 490dps at 70% accuracy. Whenever I use a BB for Narai, I prefer to go east of convoy so that I can catch MO broadside when it turns. However, the larger map sizes makes this a lot more problematic. California's weapons are only okay at tier VII. On the other hand, You are usually not shot at by much due to how target selection of bots works, so Florida's armor won't be a big issue even with the short combat range in OPs. Still, she's not far removed from Arizona -- like, the differences are barely perceptible. This means that a staggering 1,700,383 people are Solid rearward firing angles, well suited to kiting. But seeing how she was being released reminded me of why I write these reviews in the first place: To protect other players from making bad purchases. If Florida was a battleship from any other nation, there would be very little worth noting here. WebFlorida and California are remarkably similar for their warm climates, beaches, tourist destinations, immigrant populations, and more, but both states could not be more Skill Floor: Simple / Casual / CHALLENGING / DifficultSkill Ceiling: Low / Moderate / HIGH / Difficult. I give this rating 5 out of 10. Coz no mehbote to gudbote rating, except angry anime girl gif Look at this chungus. Decent gunnery dispersion with 1.9 sigma. California is a hard pass. 4 minutes ago, General_Lee_Miserable said: 27 minutes ago, General_Lee_Miserable said: Florida (on the left) using a standard dispersion test. This is 180 AP shells fired at a stationary Fuso bot. Shots are coming in from the left to right (Fuso is bow-tanking). California is on the right with the same parameters. The problem with simply looking at DPM charts is that it assumes everything is not only 100% accurate, but also that all shells perform equally when they strike a target. It patently ignores two crucial elements: As Roma so painfully demonstrated, you can have gorgeous paper stats but if you simultaneously struggle to (a) hit a target and (b) get anything other than over-penetrations, then your experience is going to be hella inconsistent. Florida has her own struggles, but at least she's very consistent when it comes to landing hits. Florida uses battlecruiser dispersion -- the same found on ninja-accurate battleships like Thunderer. Sadly, this isn't paired with a god-tier sigma value. Florida has 1.7 sigma competed to 1.9 of Thunderer or 2.0 of Champagne, so she doesn't feel quite so accurate as some of the higher-tiered snipers. The lower sigma means that the occasional shell will still fly wonky, though the smaller dispersion area means this won't be as wildly askew as other ships. In short: Florida's accuracy is good. You should land more hits per volley than her contemporaries which should help mitigate some of her DPM issues -- not all of them, but some. I just came to read another review by LWM, and donot have Florida, but I have been farming in Narai since other farming OPs were taken down. LittleWhiteMouse, October 12, 2020 in General Game Discussion. The following is a review of USS Florida, the tier VII American premium battleship. I did not pay for this ship. It was provided to me by Wargaming for evaluation purposes. To the best of my knowledge, the statistics discussed in this review are current as of patch 0.9.9. Please be aware that her performance may change in the future. You can also forget about successfully kiting or disengaging when things turn sour. follow. TV: ESPN ( Watch and stream the game live on ESPN+) RADIO: Tar Heel Sports Network. California is a longer ranged Arizona with slightly improved damage output between better AP shells and a faster reload. California is a beautiful port queen that doesn't live up to her fantastic history. Just saw ichase's vid also. California is very sneaky for a tier VII battleship. The only thing to watch out for is if one your DD/CL uses smoke and hide all other ships, MO will target you and you don't want that with Florida's armor. The Wildcats score just 1.4 fewer points per game (67.4) than the Gators give up (68.8). Thank you @LittleWhiteMouse. TALLAHASSEE Flexing his power over one of Floridas largest employers, Gov. Summary so far: California's concealment is meant to be her saving grace. Sadly, Florida's HE are lacking. Their modest damage per-shell and slow reload might not be such a bad handicap if their fire chance was better, but her fire chance per shell is horrible. The 22% value she's shackled with is downright painful for such a slow rate of fire. Getting one permanent fire to burn is a feat, never mind doubling up. Her HE performance is so bad that I would happily recommend sticking with AP spam if it weren't for the aforementioned issue with angled and higher-tiered targets. It's stupid-important to be patient with your shots. Look for opportune targets where you can maximize her AP efficiency. You don't want to have to start spamming HE. Similarly, you don't want to force encounters where this is your sole option. Florida doesn't have the armour or hit points to facilitate trades against same-tier (or even tier VI) opponents. Blapping a full broadside of HE into an enterprising lolibote is hilarious, don't get me wrong -- her improved accuracy means that she easily can land four to six shells (or more!) I won't be purchasing her. It had a good run.. Ron DeSantis exacts punishment, takes over Disney district on eve of book launch. Are you really inclined to pay to play Arizona with worse matchmaking for the simple sake of being slightly less victimized by aircraft? As easy as border-humping battleships can be, Florida asks a bit more of players in order to get her to perform. Neither her AP or HE shells are idiot proof, requiring players to be dynamic with their ammunition choices. That's bad enough, but even when you have the right ammo loaded for the right target, her anemic shells leave a lot to be desired, especially with so long of a reload. Even her good improved accuracy can be a bit of a turn off -- at least with bad dispersion even a poorly aimed shot might have something strike the target. Finally, this ship just feels cumbersome with sloppy handling, a slow reload and sluggish turret traverse. +4% increased dispersion of enemy shells. Make no mistakes, Florida is a tricky girl, but if you figure her out she will do very well in Narai. Otherwise, any of the other T7 BB's will be easier to run with. However, California's an important release and, more pressingly, I don't feel she's a good ship. They have averaged 3.5 goals per game (35 total) over that stretch. The UNC basketball program heads to Florida State for its final road game of the season on Monday night. Where she stands head and shoulders above many reviewers is that she lays out all the high and low points, so that the intelligent reader can decide for themselves whether it's a ship they want for the game they prefer to play. LOCATION: Donald L. Tucker Center in Tallahassee, Florida. Florida is the state that more or less stayed open during the pandemic and thrived in its defiance. As much as I would like to be excited about her range, she needs it or the ship simply doesn't work. California's speed is a severe handicap, but you knew that coming in. Small hit point pool for a tier VII battleship. They could have made California powerful. I think in this regard the ship is somewhat worth it. Ostensibly, California's range is supposed to help her here. And foodfor thought as I review my Steam summertime queue to see where best to spend my $. . Ouch. I don't know why Wargaming decided to neuter Florida's fire setting so badly. I guess this will encourage players to reach for AP whenever possible. Keep in mind that these values do not include the fire resistance of their opponents nor the ship's accuracy. Fire resistance values against the opponents Florida usually faces is anywhere between 30% to 45% or so. So if you're managing to hit with 1/3 of Florida's shells against a tier VIII target, then instead of 4 fires and change, you're more likely going to see one per minute. Maybe. Time to re-use a graphic because battleship skill optimization has stagnated! The tragic and horrific June 24 collapse of the Surfside Champlain Towers notwithstanding, the purplish-red sunshine state is dynamic, diverse, Top Speed: 20.5 knotsTurning Radius: 640mRudder Shift Time: 14.7 seconds4/4 Engine Speed Rate of Turn: 3.7/s. It turns out that even substantially better accuracy often nets only marginally more hitsoften indistinguishable on an engagement to engagement basis.. California uses American battleship dispersion with 1.9 sigma versus Florida's battlecruiser dispersion with 1.7 sigma. Florida feels appreciably more accurate than most other American battleships, though her lower sigma value will make her feel only slightly better than ships like California or Arizona. Queens are 9-8 in their road games against the spread. I find california to have more of a culture than florida. Instead, it's so much thinned out swill with a rancid aftertaste, leaving you to wonder what could have been. In Florida, the water is generally colder than in California. 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