cake eaters military slang

Jewelers: Flappers who measure college success by the number of fraternity pins they collect. forecastle zoo: Game of naming everything on the forecastle which has an animal name, e.g. #19. Chit Chipper: Paper Shredder. Borrowed from the SI unit for reactive power, used to describe a particularly useless Electrician's Mate. RATT Shop: Place for flight deck personnel to cool off in the AC and take a nap while they get their "RATT" fixed. Today, Salt and Peppers are worn by cooks that work in a ship's wardroom. Named for the maintenance catapult shots where only the shuttle is moved down the track with no aircraft attached. Marine Mattress: A female who likes to "socialize" with the Marines. The term is also used of sailors who enlist in Advanced Electronics or Nuclear training tracks, as these also require a 6 year commitment. CASREP: Casualty Report: Report to higher authority something which is inoperative, OOC (out of commission), and the impact on readiness. Flag, Flag Officer: Rear Admiral (Lower half) and higher ("flag" rank, because they are entitled to show a flag with an appropriate number of stars on their car, ship, building, etc.) Term used to describe a sailor who has just failed out of a rather difficult A-School (Nuc, ET, AT) and will now head to the fleet (and obvious deployment) undesignated. IFNAG: (Derogatory) Ignorant Fucking Naval Academy Graduate. Mostly issued in boot camp to set a recruit back in training due to poor performance. JAM-Dive buddy: (Submarine Service) A submariner whom you have your way with in the event of a jam-dive casualty. Sea Pussy: A yeoman or personnelman akin to a secretary who does clerical work. Also called a "One-Eyed Jack." Dock jumpers: The unfortunates who would have to leap ashore to tie up when no "line handlers" are available. Incorrectly, but nearly universally, applied to turning anything on. Without a change of course, this will ultimately end in a collision. Queer: Nickname for the EA-6B Prowler. See "Dome. JARTGO: Just Another Reason To Get Out. (3) Issued wool peacoat. Bag Nasty: A pre-packaged bag lunch usually consisting of a cold cut sandwich, piece of fruit, and juice box or can of soda. C.U.N.T. Caused by Foreign Object Debris, such as nuts, bolts, or anything that could be sucked into a jet engine, damaging it. Ready Rollers are generally thought of in a negative scense due to their poor hygene and lack of respect for themselves, while in close quarters or proximity to other shipmates. If it goes through a bulkhead, it's a door. Pisser: (1) A urinal (not a toilet). The OIC of this evolution is sometimes referred to as "the FOD-father.". LPOD: Last Plane On Deck: The time when all aircraft should be on the ground. Turn 'n' Burn: "Hurry up! When an aviator flies an aircraft into the clouds, can no longer see the earth or the horizon, and is dependent on instruments for navigation, he is said to be "in the goo." From your Navy superiors. Peanut Butter Shot: A painful shot normally given in the back of the hip or gluteus maximus. Plank Owners are "Piped Aboard" when shown proper certification. Origins of the "Cake Eater" Saying The cake eater expression first appeared between 1920 and 1925, but?became popular by the 1996 movie Mighty . Balls O'Clock: Any unspecified time late at night when it is absurd to be awake and having to do things, be on watch, etc. Bubblegummer: A newbie or young sailor just out of boot camp or school. Also COMHOUSE, COMHOME, CINCHOME, HOUSEPAC, etc. 2JV: Engineering sound-powered circuit. Skidmark: The shit stains that one gets in one's underwear (see Skivvies) that are the result of wiping with cheap government toilet paper. Vulcan Death Watch: 12 hours of drills separated by 3 rotations of watches. F.R.E.D. Cruise boo: A sailor's underway spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend. CSO: Combat Systems Officer: Officer responsible for maintenance of a ship's combat system (gun, missile, radar, command control and communications systems). Mags: Place to store ammunition and weapons in warships and fortifications. Training Anchorage (TRANCH): A frustrating, fuel-saving method of practicing battle tactics electronically among ships while at anchor, usually within sight of an attractive liberty port. "We're going to have great liberty this port: A tuna boat just pulled in!". A hinge is then inserted that allows for reattachment of the removed gray matter later. Enlisting at 17. Also a Variance on the rules. also used as Civilian Life Incentive Program. Deckplate: Derogatory term for the lowest worker. See also TSC. Many LDOs and CWOs only consider their programs to count as "mustangs", although there are many other programs that lead to enlisted personnel getting a commission. What is a Blue Falcon? Black box: Repair, in primarily for electronic equipment, where an entire card or subsystem is replaced, rather than individual components. See crackerjacks. ), A term indicating supreme indifference; "Gaffer." Place where food is prepared for consumption. M.A.S.H. Sea chest: A trunk or storage container used for a sailor's personal property. As opposed to other. VC: Fixed Wing Composite aircraft squadrons. Used mostly to supply breathing air to shipboard firefighters before civilian firefighter equipment was approved and adopted. Donut: A floating device used to store oily waste pumped out of the bilges in port. (Onboard Submarines, often used as part of the phrase "Air Breathing No Load," meaning a useless sailor or rider who is using up resources and providing nothing in return.). Douche down: To wash, usually using fresh water. Ricky Lawnmower: Nailclippers, used to trim stray threads from uniforms. Blue Tile: An area of the aircraft carrier on the starboard main passageway, O-3 level, where the Battle Group (now called Carrier Strike Group) admiral and his staff live and work. Historically, the CH-46 Sea Knight (see "Phrog") was used for such resupply, although any aircraft with a cargo hook installed can do. Ditty-bop: A Radioman or Cryptologic Technician Collection (CTR), from the sound of Morse code. See also "NoFuck, Vagina. Also refers to a mythical rate or ship type an "FTN Striker" says he/she is trying to get in (i.e. The F-14 Tomcat was also widely accepted. Roger That: A term of understanding and acceptance when given an order or other information. Chowdale: An airwing member who spend all their time in line for chow, holding up others who actually have things to do. Acey-Deucey Club: A recreational facility that serves alcohol for first and second class petty officers, or any Enlisted Club that caters mostly to First and Second Class Petty Officers, but still allows all enlisted personnel. This is generally done when fuel is almost all used up with no hope of making it to a safe landing area, or when a slowly developing but potentially fatal emergency is going on. Constipation: Derogatory name for USS CONSTELLATION (CV-64). Frocked: Advanced in rank or rate with no pay increase. Generally a lazy navy cook phones it in by opening an industrial size can of ravioli and dumps out a couple loaves of white bread and calls it good. BMOS: Big Man On Ship: Often refers to the ship's Captain. "Have your cake and eat it too". Zone inspection: A formal inspection of spaces conducted by a team headed by the XO. Dynamited Chicken: Chicken a la king or chicken cacciatore. Brown Shoe: Term used to describe aviation community officers and senior enlisted members, due to the dark brown footwear worn with khaki uniforms and aviation winter working green uniforms. Also stands for "Fun Time Navy" around higher chain of command to save face in front of said chain of command, yet "secretly" means "Fuck the Navy." Smokin' and Coke'in': Derogatory nickname used to describe an unauthorized break, where a sailor takes a smoke break, and grabs a soda out of a vending machine. The name is a corruption of "Bully Big Stick", the Roosevelt's shipboard news program. Some'are here, some'are there, some'are everywhere.". A sea lawyer is adept at using technicalities, half truths, and administrative crap to get out of doing work or anything else he doesn't want to do, and/or to justify his laziness. It seems that the passageways are purposely chosen to maximize delay and frustration when a pilot has to do an. Named for the Magnetic Anomaly Detector that sticks out from the tail of the aircraft. Mighty Battle Pig: Nickname for USS WS Sims (FF-1059) "Mighty Battle Frigate.". 2-6-10: Abbreviation of "It's gonna take 2 surgeons 6 hours to remove 10 inches of my boot from your ass." For personnel aboard ship, this means to remain in bed, while onshore this may simply mean to stay home for the day. CG: Cruiser, Guided Missile, class of ship. Tits Up: Broke-dick, inoperable, dead (from some piece of equipment being "flat on its back"). Blue Water: Deep water far from land. Carry a torch: Suffering from unrequited love. Prefaced by the type or theater of service the deployed spouse is in, e.g. Skimmer, Skimmer Puke: Surface sailor (this term is also used in other English-speaking navies - the RN, RCN and RAN). Roach Coach: A snack or lunch truck that stops at each pier where the ships are berthed. Self-explanatory. Most schedule writers will have a "snivel log" for such requests, which may or may not be granted based on the needs of the unit and the sniveler's standing with the schedules officer (Skeds-O). Motrin: A magical pill dispensed by hospital corpsmen capable for minor owies or to hypochondriacs; "take two aspirin and call me in the morning." On small boats, the "First" is in charge of boatswain mates and deck seaman. Blowing Shitters: An act by which an HT uses straight firemain pressure on a clog in the sewage line (CHT/VCHT) that cannot be removed by ordinary means. Used to be called "Company Commander.". See "Rumor Control" or "Scuttlebutt.". It is considered by the Navy as sacred waters, and, every year during the commeration of the Naval Battle of Guadalcanal, a ship in the area will put out to sea, and drop a wreath in the area to honor the dead. Whidbey Whale: A dependent wife that is Orca fat even though her husband has maintained the same basic size during their marriage. Pushbutton: Term applied to a 6 year enlistee with advanced schooling. 2.) Non-Comm: A non-commissioned officer, E4-E9. 7MC: On submarines this is generally the Ship's Control Comms Circuit (between the OOD on the bridge and Helmsman below in Control. Traditionally the metal device is dropped in a beer glass, and "wet down.". Killer Tomato: A large reddish-orange inflated ball used in gunnery practice at sea. Circular firing squad/circular ass-kicking: An attempt by all command levels to find someone/anyone to blame for a problem for which no one wants to take blame. Widow/Widower: Describes wives (and now husbands) with spouses on deployment. Power troll: A name for any officious person, usually used by engineers. Cruise widow: A sailor's wife. Blue Shirt: Aviation Boatswain's mate, usually seen chocking and chaining birds to the deck. ", Boner Garage: USS BONHOMME RICHARD (LHD-6). A sissy.' Page 30. Fan Room (see "X-Ray fitting"): (1) A room with a fan or blower, A "closed" space which is often utilized for general mischief away from watchful eyes. USS Oriskany CVA34, Carriers today are designated as CV, During the VietNam error the A added to CV stood for attack carrier. Boats: A sailor in the Boatswain's Mate rating or the Aviation Boatswain's Mate rating, or the ship's Bosun or Air Bosun, the latter usually a CWO or LDO. Titivate: To spruce up or clean up the ship and its company. Therefore, his left sleeve is "slick", or has no rate or rating insignia at all. Also known as a "Splash guard.". Blanket Party: A beating administered to someone whose head has been covered with a blanket (to prevent that person from identifying the attackers), in boot camp (and usually at night), because the individual is perceived to have harmed the group by not being squared away. The Navy's senior admiral and member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Finally, TURN ON THE WATER to rinse off. Knuckle Box: A medium sized, usually red, rectangular metal box widely used in the navy to move supplies to/from the ship. Also refers to a friend who has become non-responsive. Dick Skinners: Hands. Generally pejorative. SSN: Submarine, Nuclear, class of ship. Magic Smoke: Substance that makes naval electronics work. Starboard: Right side of the boat or ship (when facing the bow). "Got your six": looking out for your or your buddy's ass; refers to a clock dial. Grip and grin: A public affairs or awards event in which some member of the command must shake hands, smile, and have their photo taken. Usually new sailors are given a mail buoy watch for the entertainment of the more seasoned sailors. Do not stand near one of the speakers without hearing protection. FAG: (1) Fighter Attack Guy: F/A-18 Hornet/Super Hornet pilot or naval flight officer ("NFO"). Jack Off Curtain: The small privacy curtain hanging on the outside of a rack. Usually used to describe a Boatswain's Mate on a surface vessel. During this time, the officer is not allowed to leave the ship (all officers must have permission from the Commanding Officer, or his appointed delegate before debarking the ship at any port call, including their home port). Also, a traditional naval toast. CAVU: Ceiling and Visibility Unlimited: Perfect flying weather. i know that the kid in mighty ducks. Check Valve: A person who "does for himself or herself, but not others." : Fucked Up Ridiculous Educational Device: The computer that graded the teletype capabilities of those going through Radioman "A" School. 1MC - The overhead public address system on US Navy ships. An angry or particularly unpleasant attitude, such as one might have if their only job onboard was to collect and retain everyone else's refuse, and then on top of that some asshole got mad and kicked him, leaving a big, ugly dent in his side. Marching Party: In boot camp, an after-hours regimen of intensive training exercises, supervised by the command's special warfare personnel. Pass in Review: The ceremony of graduation from boot camp into Navy life. Spit-kid: in earlier times, a wooden bucket-like container for sailors who chewed tobacco, who spat the result into it. Takedown request | View complete answer on What does cake Eaters mean in the military? Trident: Special Warfare Insignia earned by Navy SEALS. Can be "simulated" for a non-hazing by equal connotation. In general, the CO makes policy, the XO enforces it, hence the name. Knuckle Buster: A pneumatic tool for removing perfectly good paint from steel. They usually return with a sore arm, courtesy of a Hull Technician who is in on the joke. Green Scrubby: Mildly abrasive scouring pad. "first-termers"). You are acting drifty today!"). USS Immobile Bay: USS Mobile Bay (CG-53). Can house: Bordello. Fat Enlisted People / Forced Exercise Program. Term has become obsolete due to more normal looking frame choices now offered (outside of enlisted recruit training, at least). John Wayne toilet paper: Toilet paper that is rough, tough, and takes shit from no one. Sailor 2: "Fuhgowee burger sandwiches.". Are `` Piped Aboard '' when shown proper certification matter later tool for removing perfectly good paint from steel on... Spruce up or clean up the ship Academy Graduate: Place to store ammunition weapons! A Hull Technician who is in, e.g in general, the `` ''! Uss CONSTELLATION ( CV-64 ) into it Mate on a surface vessel ( outside of enlisted recruit training, least. Your cake and eat it too & quot ; have your way with in the?. The passageways are purposely chosen to maximize delay and frustration when a pilot has to do.. Ammunition and weapons in warships and fortifications Derogatory name for USS CONSTELLATION ( CV-64 ) one of boat... 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